Your choice of paint for your home’s exterior can make or break curb appeal. But don’t be fooled into thinking that exterior paint is all just about picking the right color. You have to ensure proper application, too.
Many products today are marketed as paint and primers in one. However, while this kind of paint is OK for light-duty applications, experts still recommend using a separate primer to increase bond and improve the surface finish of the top coat.
Make sure none of the asphalt shingles have come loose because of the weather by checking both sides of the roof periodically throughout spring. Don’t forget to examine the hard-to-reach areas as well. Prompt replacement of the missing or damaged shingles helps minimize leaks.
Bushes, tree branches, and other vegetation should be kept at least two feet away from the roof’s eaves at all times. This helps reduce the organic build-up that can cause mold or algae growth and premature aging of materials used in constructing the home’s exterior walls, like siding or stucco. Tree limbs can also cause unnecessary damage when carried through onto certain soft spots.
Choosing between rollers and brushes? Take note that painting tools are designed for specific kinds of finishes and surfaces. Rollers, for example, are best used on smooth surfaces to ensure smooth application of paint. For paint brushes, keep in mind that stiffer brushes can cut cleaner lines and hold more paint. They are especially great for painting exterior trim during hot weather. Meanwhile, a stiff brush with an angled tip is perfect for getting into corners, and softer brushes are ideal for applying stains and clear finishes like varnish and shellac.
Tony’s Roofcare Inc. is a family-owned and operated company that offers a range of home improvement services. Whether you have a leaking roof or peeling paint, our team can take care of the job and ensure quality workmanship. Call us at (253) 881-8743, or fill out our contact form to request a free estimate.
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